Uses of Class

Packages that use ZeroOrMoreBlock

Uses of ZeroOrMoreBlock in antlr

Methods in antlr with parameters of type ZeroOrMoreBlock
 void SatherCodeGenerator.gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
 boolean LLkGrammarAnalyzer.deterministic(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
 boolean LLkAnalyzer.deterministic(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Is (...)* block LL(1)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          The (...)* element is the combined lookahead of the alternatives and what can follow the loop.
 void JavaCodeGenerator.gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
 void HTMLCodeGenerator.gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
 void DiagnosticCodeGenerator.gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
 void CppCodeGenerator.gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
abstract  void CodeGenerator.gen(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.