Class LLkAnalyzer

All Implemented Interfaces:
GrammarAnalyzer, LLkGrammarAnalyzer

public class LLkAnalyzer
extends java.lang.Object
implements LLkGrammarAnalyzer

A linear-approximate LL(k) grammar analzyer. All lookahead elements are sets of token types.

Terence Parr, John Lilley
See Also:
Grammar, Lookahead

Field Summary
(package private)  CharFormatter charFormatter
private  AlternativeBlock currentBlock
protected  Grammar grammar
protected  boolean lexicalAnalysis
protected  Tool tool
Fields inherited from interface antlr.GrammarAnalyzer
Constructor Summary
LLkAnalyzer(Tool tool_)
          Create an LLk analyzer
Method Summary
protected  boolean altUsesWildcardDefault(Alternative alt)
          Return true if someone used the '.' wildcard default idiom.
 boolean deterministic(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Is this block of alternatives LL(k)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.
 boolean deterministic(OneOrMoreBlock blk)
          Is (...)+ block LL(1)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.
 boolean deterministic(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          Is (...)* block LL(1)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.
 boolean deterministicImpliedPath(BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk)
          Is this (...)* or (...)+ block LL(k)?
 Lookahead FOLLOW(int k, RuleEndElement end)
          Compute the lookahead set of whatever follows references to the rule associated witht the FOLLOW block.
private  Lookahead getAltLookahead(AlternativeBlock blk, int alt, int k)
 Lookahead look(int k, ActionElement action)
          Actions are ignored
 Lookahead look(int k, AlternativeBlock blk)
          Combine the lookahead computed for each alternative
 Lookahead look(int k, BlockEndElement end)
          Compute what follows this place-holder node and possibly what begins the associated loop unless the node is locked.
 Lookahead look(int k, CharLiteralElement atom)
          Return this char as the lookahead if k=1.
 Lookahead look(int k, CharRangeElement r)
 Lookahead look(int k, GrammarAtom atom)
 Lookahead look(int k, OneOrMoreBlock blk)
          The lookahead of a (...)+ block is the combined lookahead of all alternatives and, if an empty path is found, the lookahead of what follows the block.
 Lookahead look(int k, RuleBlock blk)
          Combine the lookahead computed for each alternative.
 Lookahead look(int k, RuleEndElement end)
          If not locked or noFOLLOW set, compute FOLLOW of a rule.
 Lookahead look(int k, RuleRefElement rr)
          Compute the lookahead contributed by a rule reference.
 Lookahead look(int k, java.lang.String rule)
          Compute the combined lookahead for all productions of a rule.
 Lookahead look(int k, StringLiteralElement atom)
 Lookahead look(int k, SynPredBlock blk)
          The lookahead of a (...)=> block is the lookahead of what follows the block.
 Lookahead look(int k, TokenRangeElement r)
 Lookahead look(int k, TreeElement t)
 Lookahead look(int k, WildcardElement wc)
 Lookahead look(int k, ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          The (...)* element is the combined lookahead of the alternatives and what can follow the loop.
static boolean lookaheadEquivForApproxAndFullAnalysis(Lookahead[] bset, int k)
          If the first k-1 sets are singleton sets, the appoximate lookahead analysis is equivalent to full lookahead analysis.
private  void removeCompetingPredictionSets(BitSet b, AlternativeElement el)
          Remove the prediction sets from preceding alternatives and follow set, but *only* if this element is the first element of the alternative.
private  void removeCompetingPredictionSetsFromWildcard(Lookahead[] look, AlternativeElement el, int k)
          Remove the prediction sets from preceding alternatives The class members currenBlock must be set correctly.
private  void reset()
          reset the analyzer so it looks like a new one
 void setGrammar(Grammar g)
          Set the grammar for the analyzer
 boolean subruleCanBeInverted(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean forLexer)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean DEBUG_ANALYZER


private AlternativeBlock currentBlock


protected Tool tool


protected Grammar grammar


protected boolean lexicalAnalysis


CharFormatter charFormatter
Constructor Detail


public LLkAnalyzer(Tool tool_)
Create an LLk analyzer

Method Detail


protected boolean altUsesWildcardDefault(Alternative alt)
Return true if someone used the '.' wildcard default idiom. Either #(. children) or '.' as an alt by itself.


public boolean deterministic(AlternativeBlock blk)
Is this block of alternatives LL(k)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.

Specified by:
deterministic in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer
true if the block is deterministic


public boolean deterministic(OneOrMoreBlock blk)
Is (...)+ block LL(1)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.

Specified by:
deterministic in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer
true if the block is deterministic


public boolean deterministic(ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
Is (...)* block LL(1)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.

Specified by:
deterministic in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer
true if the block is deterministic


public boolean deterministicImpliedPath(BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk)
Is this (...)* or (...)+ block LL(k)?

true if the block is deterministic


public Lookahead FOLLOW(int k,
                        RuleEndElement end)
Compute the lookahead set of whatever follows references to the rule associated witht the FOLLOW block.

Specified by:
FOLLOW in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


private Lookahead getAltLookahead(AlternativeBlock blk,
                                  int alt,
                                  int k)


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      ActionElement action)
Actions are ignored

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      AlternativeBlock blk)
Combine the lookahead computed for each alternative

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      BlockEndElement end)
Compute what follows this place-holder node and possibly what begins the associated loop unless the node is locked.

if we hit the end of a loop, we have to include what tokens can begin the loop as well. If the start node is locked, then we simply found an empty path through this subrule while analyzing it. If the start node is not locked, then this node was hit during a FOLLOW operation and the FIRST of this block must be included in that lookahead computation.

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      CharLiteralElement atom)
Return this char as the lookahead if k=1.

### Doesn't work for ( 'a' 'b' | 'a' ~'b' ) yet!!!

If the atom has the not flag on, then create the set complement of the tokenType which is the set of all characters referenced in the grammar with this char turned off. Also remove characters from the set that are currently allocated for predicting previous alternatives. This avoids ambiguity messages and is more properly what is meant. ( 'a' | ~'a' ) implies that the ~'a' is the "else" clause.

NOTE: we do NOT include exit path in the exclusion set. E.g., ( 'a' | ~'a' )* 'b' should exit upon seeing a 'b' during the loop.

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      CharRangeElement r)
Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      GrammarAtom atom)
Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      OneOrMoreBlock blk)
The lookahead of a (...)+ block is the combined lookahead of all alternatives and, if an empty path is found, the lookahead of what follows the block.

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      RuleBlock blk)
Combine the lookahead computed for each alternative. Lock the node so that no other computation may come back on itself--infinite loop. This also implies infinite left-recursion in the grammar (or an error in this algorithm ;)).

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      RuleEndElement end)
If not locked or noFOLLOW set, compute FOLLOW of a rule.

TJP says 8/12/99: not true anymore: Lexical rules never compute follow. They set epsilon and the code generator gens code to check for any character. The code generator must remove the tokens used to predict any previous alts in the same block.

When the last node of a rule is reached and noFOLLOW, it implies that a "local" FOLLOW will be computed after this call. I.e.,

		a : b A;
		b : B | ;
		c : b C;
Here, when computing the look of rule b from rule a, we want only {B,EPSILON_TYPE} so that look(b A) will be {B,A} not {B,A,C}.

if the end block is not locked and the FOLLOW is wanted, the algorithm must compute the lookahead of what follows references to this rule. If end block is locked, FOLLOW will return an empty set with a cycle to the rule associated with this end block.

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      RuleRefElement rr)
Compute the lookahead contributed by a rule reference.

When computing ruleref lookahead, we don't want the FOLLOW computation done if an empty path exists for the rule. The FOLLOW is too loose of a set...we want only to include the "local" FOLLOW or what can follow this particular ref to the node. In other words, we use context information to reduce the complexity of the analysis and strengthen the parser. The noFOLLOW flag is used as a means of restricting the FOLLOW to a "local" FOLLOW. This variable is orthogonal to the lock variable that prevents infinite recursion. noFOLLOW does not care about what k is.

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      StringLiteralElement atom)
Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      SynPredBlock blk)
The lookahead of a (...)=> block is the lookahead of what follows the block. By definition, the syntactic predicate block defies static analysis (you want to try it out at run-time). The LOOK of (a)=>A B is A for LL(1) ### is this even called?

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      TokenRangeElement r)
Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      TreeElement t)
Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      WildcardElement wc)
Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
The (...)* element is the combined lookahead of the alternatives and what can follow the loop.

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public Lookahead look(int k,
                      java.lang.String rule)
Compute the combined lookahead for all productions of a rule. If the lookahead returns with epsilon, at least one epsilon path exists (one that consumes no tokens). The noFOLLOW flag being set for this endruleblk, indicates that the a rule ref invoked this rule. Currently only look(RuleRef) calls this. There is no need for the code generator to call this.

Specified by:
look in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public static boolean lookaheadEquivForApproxAndFullAnalysis(Lookahead[] bset,
                                                             int k)
If the first k-1 sets are singleton sets, the appoximate lookahead analysis is equivalent to full lookahead analysis.


private void removeCompetingPredictionSets(BitSet b,
                                           AlternativeElement el)
Remove the prediction sets from preceding alternatives and follow set, but *only* if this element is the first element of the alternative. The class members currenBlock and currentBlock.analysisAlt must be set correctly.

b - The prediction bitset to be modified


private void removeCompetingPredictionSetsFromWildcard(Lookahead[] look,
                                                       AlternativeElement el,
                                                       int k)
Remove the prediction sets from preceding alternatives The class members currenBlock must be set correctly. Remove prediction sets from 1..k.

look - The prediction lookahead to be modified


private void reset()
reset the analyzer so it looks like a new one


public void setGrammar(Grammar g)
Set the grammar for the analyzer

Specified by:
setGrammar in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer


public boolean subruleCanBeInverted(AlternativeBlock blk,
                                    boolean forLexer)
Specified by:
subruleCanBeInverted in interface LLkGrammarAnalyzer