Class Summary |
ActionElement |
ActionTransInfo |
This class contains information about how an action
was translated (using the AST conversion rules). |
Alternative |
Intermediate data class holds information about an alternative |
AlternativeBlock |
A list of alternatives |
AlternativeElement |
ANTLRHashString |
ANTLRLexer |
ANTLRParser |
ANTLRStringBuffer |
ANTLRTokdefLexer |
ANTLRTokdefParser |
ASTFactory |
AST Support code shared by TreeParser and Parser. |
ASTIterator |
There is only one instance of this class |
ASTPair |
ASTPair: utility class used for manipulating a pair of ASTs
representing the current AST root and current AST sibling. |
BaseAST |
A Child-Sibling Tree. |
BlockContext |
BlockContext stores the information needed when creating an
alternative (list of elements). |
BlockEndElement |
All alternative blocks are "terminated" by BlockEndElements unless
they are rule blocks (in which case they use RuleEndElement). |
BlockWithImpliedExitPath |
ByteBuffer |
CharBuffer |
CharLiteralElement |
CharQueue |
A circular buffer object used by CharBuffer |
CharRangeElement |
CharScanner |
CodeGenerator |
A generic ANTLR code generator. |
CommonAST |
Common AST node implementation |
CommonASTWithHiddenTokens |
A CommonAST whose initialization copies hidden token
information from the Token used to create a node. |
CommonHiddenStreamToken |
CommonToken |
CppBlockFinishingInfo |
CppCharFormatter |
CppCodeGenerator |
Generate MyParser.cpp, MyParser.hpp, MyLexer.cpp, MyLexer.hpp and MyParserTokenTypes.hpp |
DefaultFileLineFormatter |
DefaultToolErrorHandler |
DefineGrammarSymbols |
DefineGrammarSymbols is a behavior for the ANTLRParser that adds all
the token and rule symbols to the grammar symbol table. |
DiagnosticCodeGenerator |
Generate MyParser.txt, MyLexer.txt and MyParserTokenTypes.txt |
DumpASTVisitor |
Simple class to dump the contents of an AST to the output |
ExceptionHandler |
ExceptionSpec |
FileLineFormatter |
Grammar |
A Grammar holds a set of rules (which are stored
in a symbol table). |
GrammarAtom |
A GrammarAtom is either a token ref, a character ref, or string. |
GrammarElement |
A GrammarElement is a generic node in our
data structure that holds a grammar in memory. |
GrammarSymbol |
A GrammarSymbol is a generic symbol that can be
added to the symbol table for a grammar. |
HTMLCodeGenerator |
Generate P.html, a cross-linked representation of P with or without actions |
ImportVocabTokenManager |
Static implementation of the TokenManager, used for importVocab option |
InputBuffer |
A Stream of characters fed to the lexer from a InputStream that can
be rewound via mark()/rewind() methods. |
JavaBlockFinishingInfo |
JavaCharFormatter |
JavaCodeGenerator |
Generate, and |
LexerGrammar |
Lexer-specific grammar subclass |
LexerSharedInputState |
This object contains the data associated with an
input stream of characters. |
LLkAnalyzer |
A linear-approximate LL(k) grammar analzyer. |
LLkParser |
An LL(k) parser. |
Lookahead |
This object holds all information needed to represent
the lookahead for any particular lookahead computation
for a single lookahead depth. |
MakeGrammar |
NameSpace |
OneOrMoreBlock |
Parser |
ParserGrammar |
Parser-specific grammar subclass |
ParserSharedInputState |
This object contains the data associated with an
input stream of tokens. |
RuleBlock |
A list of alternatives and info contained in
the rule definition. |
RuleEndElement |
Contains a list of all places that reference
this enclosing rule. |
RuleRefElement |
RuleSymbol |
SatherBlockFinishingInfo |
SatherCharFormatter |
SatherCodeGenerator |
Generate, and |
SimpleTokenManager |
StringLiteralElement |
StringLiteralSymbol |
SynPredBlock |
Token |
A token is minimally a token type. |
TokenBuffer |
TokenQueue |
A private circular buffer object used by the token buffer |
TokenRangeElement |
TokenRefElement |
TokenStreamBasicFilter |
This object is a TokenStream that passes through all
tokens except for those that you tell it to discard. |
TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter |
This object filters a token stream coming from a lexer
or another TokenStream so that only certain token channels
get transmitted to the parser. |
TokenStreamSelector |
A token stream MUX (multiplexor) knows about n token streams
and can multiplex them onto the same channel for use by token
stream consumer like a parser. |
TokenSymbol |
Tool |
TreeBlockContext |
The context needed to add root,child elements to a Tree. |
TreeElement |
A TreeElement is a block with one alternative and a root node |
TreeParser |
TreeParserSharedInputState |
This object contains the data associated with an
input AST. |
TreeSpecifierNode |
TreeWalkerGrammar |
Parser-specific grammar subclass |
WildcardElement |
ZeroOrMoreBlock |