Uses of Class

Packages that use SynPredBlock

Uses of SynPredBlock in antlr

Fields in antlr declared as SynPredBlock
protected  SynPredBlock Alternative.synPred

Methods in antlr with parameters of type SynPredBlock
protected  void SatherCodeGenerator.genSynPred(SynPredBlock blk, java.lang.String lookaheadExpr)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, SynPredBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, SynPredBlock blk)
          The lookahead of a (...)=> block is the lookahead of what follows the block.
protected  void JavaCodeGenerator.genSynPred(SynPredBlock blk, java.lang.String lookaheadExpr)
protected  void HTMLCodeGenerator.genSynPred(SynPredBlock blk)
          Generate the syntactic predicate.
protected  void DiagnosticCodeGenerator.genSynPred(SynPredBlock blk)
          Generate the syntactic predicate.
protected  void CppCodeGenerator.genSynPred(SynPredBlock blk, java.lang.String lookaheadExpr)