Uses of Class

Packages that use Lookahead

Uses of Lookahead in antlr

Fields in antlr declared as Lookahead
protected  Lookahead[] RuleEndElement.cache
protected  Lookahead[] RuleBlock.cache
protected  Lookahead[] BlockWithImpliedExitPath.exitCache
          lookahead to bypass block; set by deterministic().
protected  Lookahead[] Alternative.cache

Methods in antlr that return Lookahead
 Lookahead ZeroOrMoreBlock.look(int k)
 Lookahead WildcardElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead TreeElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead TokenRefElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead TokenRangeElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead SynPredBlock.look(int k)
 Lookahead StringLiteralElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead RuleRefElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead RuleEndElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead RuleBlock.look(int k)
 Lookahead OneOrMoreBlock.look(int k)
 Lookahead Lookahead.intersection(Lookahead q)
          What is the intersection of two lookahead depths? Only the Epsilon "bit" and bitset are considered.
static Lookahead Lookahead.of(int el)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.FOLLOW(int k, RuleEndElement end)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, ActionElement action)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, AlternativeBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, BlockEndElement end)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, CharLiteralElement atom)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, CharRangeElement end)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, GrammarAtom atom)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, OneOrMoreBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, RuleBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, RuleEndElement end)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, RuleRefElement rr)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, StringLiteralElement atom)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, SynPredBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, TokenRangeElement end)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, TreeElement end)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, WildcardElement wc)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, java.lang.String rule)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.FOLLOW(int k, RuleEndElement end)
          Compute the lookahead set of whatever follows references to the rule associated witht the FOLLOW block.
private  Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.getAltLookahead(AlternativeBlock blk, int alt, int k)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, ActionElement action)
          Actions are ignored
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, AlternativeBlock blk)
          Combine the lookahead computed for each alternative
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, BlockEndElement end)
          Compute what follows this place-holder node and possibly what begins the associated loop unless the node is locked.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, CharLiteralElement atom)
          Return this char as the lookahead if k=1.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, CharRangeElement r)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, GrammarAtom atom)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, OneOrMoreBlock blk)
          The lookahead of a (...)+ block is the combined lookahead of all alternatives and, if an empty path is found, the lookahead of what follows the block.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, RuleBlock blk)
          Combine the lookahead computed for each alternative.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, RuleEndElement end)
          If not locked or noFOLLOW set, compute FOLLOW of a rule.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, RuleRefElement rr)
          Compute the lookahead contributed by a rule reference.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, StringLiteralElement atom)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, SynPredBlock blk)
          The lookahead of a (...)=> block is the lookahead of what follows the block.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, TokenRangeElement r)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, TreeElement t)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, WildcardElement wc)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, ZeroOrMoreBlock blk)
          The (...)* element is the combined lookahead of the alternatives and what can follow the loop.
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, java.lang.String rule)
          Compute the combined lookahead for all productions of a rule.
 Lookahead GrammarElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead CharRangeElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead CharLiteralElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead BlockEndElement.look(int k)
 Lookahead AlternativeBlock.look(int k)
 Lookahead ActionElement.look(int k)

Methods in antlr with parameters of type Lookahead
 void ToolErrorHandler.warnAltAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, AlternativeBlock blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx1, int altIdx2)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between a alternates
 void ToolErrorHandler.warnAltExitAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between an alternate and exit path.
protected  java.lang.String SatherCodeGenerator.getLookaheadTestExpression(Lookahead[] look, int k)
 void Lookahead.combineWith(Lookahead q)
 Lookahead Lookahead.intersection(Lookahead q)
          What is the intersection of two lookahead depths? Only the Epsilon "bit" and bitset are considered.
static boolean LLkAnalyzer.lookaheadEquivForApproxAndFullAnalysis(Lookahead[] bset, int k)
          If the first k-1 sets are singleton sets, the appoximate lookahead analysis is equivalent to full lookahead analysis.
private  void LLkAnalyzer.removeCompetingPredictionSetsFromWildcard(Lookahead[] look, AlternativeElement el, int k)
          Remove the prediction sets from preceding alternatives The class members currenBlock must be set correctly.
protected  java.lang.String JavaCodeGenerator.getLookaheadTestExpression(Lookahead[] look, int k)
 void HTMLCodeGenerator.printSet(int depth, int k, Lookahead lookahead)
          Format a lookahead or follow set.
 void DiagnosticCodeGenerator.printSet(int depth, int k, Lookahead lookahead)
          Format a lookahead or follow set.
private  void DefaultToolErrorHandler.dumpSets(Grammar grammar, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, java.lang.String linePrefix)
          Dump token/character sets to System.out
 void DefaultToolErrorHandler.warnAltAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, AlternativeBlock blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx1, int altIdx2)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between a alternates
 void DefaultToolErrorHandler.warnAltExitAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between an alternate and exit path.
protected  java.lang.String CppCodeGenerator.getLookaheadTestExpression(Lookahead[] look, int k)