Uses of Class

Packages that use BlockWithImpliedExitPath

Uses of BlockWithImpliedExitPath in antlr

Subclasses of BlockWithImpliedExitPath in antlr
(package private)  class OneOrMoreBlock
(package private)  class ZeroOrMoreBlock

Methods in antlr with parameters of type BlockWithImpliedExitPath
 void ToolErrorHandler.warnAltExitAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between an alternate and exit path.
 boolean LLkAnalyzer.deterministicImpliedPath(BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk)
          Is this (...)* or (...)+ block LL(k)?
 void DefaultToolErrorHandler.warnAltExitAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, BlockWithImpliedExitPath blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between an alternate and exit path.