Uses of Class

Packages that use AlternativeBlock

Uses of AlternativeBlock in antlr

Subclasses of AlternativeBlock in antlr
(package private)  class BlockWithImpliedExitPath
(package private)  class OneOrMoreBlock
 class RuleBlock
          A list of alternatives and info contained in the rule definition.
(package private)  class SynPredBlock
(package private)  class TreeElement
          A TreeElement is a block with one alternative and a root node
(package private)  class ZeroOrMoreBlock

Fields in antlr declared as AlternativeBlock
private  AlternativeBlock LLkAnalyzer.currentBlock
protected  AlternativeBlock BlockEndElement.block
(package private)  AlternativeBlock BlockContext.block

Methods in antlr that return AlternativeBlock
private  AlternativeBlock MakeGrammar.createOptionalRuleRef(java.lang.String rule, int line)
          Return block as if they had typed: "( rule )?"

Methods in antlr with parameters of type AlternativeBlock
 void ToolErrorHandler.warnAltAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, AlternativeBlock blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx1, int altIdx2)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between a alternates
 void SatherCodeGenerator.gen(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
protected  void SatherCodeGenerator.genAlt(Alternative alt, AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate an alternative.
protected  void SatherCodeGenerator.genBlockPreamble(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate the header for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a plain AlternativeBLock.
 JavaBlockFinishingInfo SatherCodeGenerator.genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean noTestForSingle)
          Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the block.
static void MakeGrammar.setBlock(AlternativeBlock b, AlternativeBlock src)
static void MakeGrammar.setBlock(AlternativeBlock b, AlternativeBlock src)
 boolean LLkGrammarAnalyzer.deterministic(AlternativeBlock blk)
 Lookahead LLkGrammarAnalyzer.look(int k, AlternativeBlock blk)
 boolean LLkGrammarAnalyzer.subruleCanBeInverted(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean forLexer)
 boolean LLkAnalyzer.deterministic(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Is this block of alternatives LL(k)? Fill in alternative cache for this block.
private  Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.getAltLookahead(AlternativeBlock blk, int alt, int k)
 Lookahead LLkAnalyzer.look(int k, AlternativeBlock blk)
          Combine the lookahead computed for each alternative
 boolean LLkAnalyzer.subruleCanBeInverted(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean forLexer)
 void JavaCodeGenerator.gen(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
protected  void JavaCodeGenerator.genAlt(Alternative alt, AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate an alternative.
protected  void JavaCodeGenerator.genBlockPreamble(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate the header for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a plain AlternativeBLock.
 JavaBlockFinishingInfo JavaCodeGenerator.genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean noTestForSingle)
          Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the block.
 void HTMLCodeGenerator.gen(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
protected  void HTMLCodeGenerator.genBlockPreamble(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate the header for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a plain AlternativeBLock.
 void HTMLCodeGenerator.genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the block.
protected  void HTMLCodeGenerator.genGenericBlock(AlternativeBlock blk, java.lang.String blkOp)
 void HTMLCodeGenerator.genLookaheadSetForBlock(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate a textual representation of the lookahead set for a block.
 void DiagnosticCodeGenerator.gen(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
protected  void DiagnosticCodeGenerator.genBlockPreamble(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate the header for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a plain AlternativeBLock.
 void DiagnosticCodeGenerator.genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the block.
 void DiagnosticCodeGenerator.genLookaheadSetForBlock(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate a textual representation of the lookahead set for a block.
 void DefaultToolErrorHandler.warnAltAmbiguity(Grammar grammar, AlternativeBlock blk, boolean lexicalAnalysis, int depth, Lookahead[] sets, int altIdx1, int altIdx2)
          Issue a warning about ambiguity between a alternates
 void CppCodeGenerator.gen(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.
protected  void CppCodeGenerator.genAlt(Alternative alt, AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate an alternative.
protected  void CppCodeGenerator.genBlockPreamble(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate the header for a block, which may be a RuleBlock or a plain AlternativeBLock.
 CppBlockFinishingInfo CppCodeGenerator.genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean noTestForSingle)
          Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the block.
abstract  void CodeGenerator.gen(AlternativeBlock blk)
          Generate code for the given grammar element.