Uses of Class

Packages that use Vector

Uses of Vector in antlr

Fields in antlr declared as Vector
protected  Vector SimpleTokenManager.vocabulary
private  Vector SatherCodeGenerator.semPreds
(package private)  Vector RuleSymbol.references
(package private)  Vector RuleBlock.labeledElements
private  Vector JavaCodeGenerator.semPreds
protected  Vector Grammar.rules
protected  Vector ExceptionSpec.handlers
private  Vector CppCodeGenerator.semPreds
protected  Vector CodeGenerator.bitsetsUsed
          List of all bitsets that must be dumped.
protected  Vector AlternativeBlock.alternatives

Methods in antlr that return Vector
static Vector Tool.parseSeparatedList(java.lang.String list, char separator)
          Parse a list such as "f1.g;f2.g;..." and return a Vector of the elements.
 Vector TokenManager.getVocabulary()
          Get the token vocabulary (read-only).
 Vector SimpleTokenManager.getVocabulary()
          Get the token vocabulary (read-only).
 Vector AlternativeBlock.getAlternatives()

Methods in antlr with parameters of type Vector
protected  void SatherCodeGenerator.genBitsets(Vector bitsetList, int maxVocabulary)
          Generate all the bitsets to be used in the parser or lexer Generate the raw bitset data like "long _tokenSet1_data[] = {...};" and the BitSet object declarations like "BitSet _tokenSet1 = new BitSet(_tokenSet1_data);" Note that most languages do not support object initialization inside a class definition, so other code-generators may have to separate the bitset declarations from the initializations (e.g., put the initializations in the generated constructor instead).
 java.lang.String SatherCodeGenerator.getASTCreateString(Vector v)
          Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.
static RuleBlock MakeGrammar.createNextTokenRule(Grammar g, Vector lexRules, java.lang.String rname)
          Used to build nextToken() for the lexer.
 java.lang.String Lookahead.toString(java.lang.String separator, Vector vocab)
protected  void JavaCodeGenerator.genBitsets(Vector bitsetList, int maxVocabulary)
          Generate all the bitsets to be used in the parser or lexer Generate the raw bitset data like "long _tokenSet1_data[] = {...};" and the BitSet object declarations like "BitSet _tokenSet1 = new BitSet(_tokenSet1_data);" Note that most languages do not support object initialization inside a class definition, so other code-generators may have to separate the bitset declarations from the initializations (e.g., put the initializations in the generated constructor instead).
 java.lang.String JavaCodeGenerator.getASTCreateString(Vector v)
          Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.
 java.lang.String HTMLCodeGenerator.getASTCreateString(Vector v)
          Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.
 java.lang.String DiagnosticCodeGenerator.getASTCreateString(Vector v)
          Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.
protected  void CppCodeGenerator.genBitsets(Vector bitsetList, int maxVocabulary, java.lang.String prefix, boolean dumpSets)
          Generate all the bitsets to be used in the parser or lexer Generate the raw bitset data like "long _tokenSet1_data[] = {...};" and the BitSet object declarations like "BitSet _tokenSet1 = new BitSet(_tokenSet1_data);" Note that most languages do not support object initialization inside a class definition, so other code-generators may have to separate the bitset declarations from the initializations (e.g., put the initializations in the generated constructor instead).
protected  void CppCodeGenerator.genBitsetsHeader(Vector bitsetList, int maxVocabulary)
 java.lang.String CppCodeGenerator.getASTCreateString(Vector v)
          Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.
abstract  java.lang.String CodeGenerator.getASTCreateString(Vector v)
          Get a string for an expression to generate creation of an AST subtree.
private  void BaseAST.doWorkForFindAll(Vector v, AST target, boolean partialMatch)
 void AlternativeBlock.setAlternatives(Vector v)

Uses of Vector in antlr.collections.impl

Fields in antlr.collections.impl declared as Vector
(package private)  Vector VectorEnumerator.vector
(package private)  Vector VectorEnumeration.vector
protected  Vector IndexedVector.elements

Methods in antlr.collections.impl that return Vector
static Vector BitSet.getRanges(int[] elems)
          Find ranges in a set element array.

Methods in antlr.collections.impl with parameters of type Vector
 java.lang.String BitSet.toString(java.lang.String separator, Vector vocabulary)
          Create a string representation where instead of integer elements, the ith element of vocabulary is displayed instead.

Constructors in antlr.collections.impl with parameters of type Vector
VectorEnumerator(Vector v)
VectorEnumeration(Vector v)
ASTEnumerator(Vector v)

Uses of Vector in antlr.preprocessor

Fields in antlr.preprocessor declared as Vector
protected  Vector Tool.grammars