Uses of Interface

Packages that use AST

Uses of AST in antlr

Classes in antlr that implement AST
 class ASTNULLType
          There is only one instance of this class
 class BaseAST
          A Child-Sibling Tree.
 class CommonAST
          Common AST node implementation
 class CommonASTWithHiddenTokens
          A CommonAST whose initialization copies hidden token information from the Token used to create a node.

Fields in antlr declared as AST
protected  AST TreeParser._retTree
          Where did this rule leave off parsing; avoids a return parameter
protected  AST TreeParser.returnAST
          AST return value for a rule is squirreled away here
protected  AST Parser.returnAST
          AST return value for a rule is squirreled away here
 AST NoViableAltException.node
 AST MismatchedTokenException.node
 AST ASTPair.root
 AST ASTPair.child
protected  AST ASTIterator.cursor
protected  AST ASTIterator.original

Methods in antlr that return AST
 AST TreeParser.getAST()
          Get the AST return value squirreled away in the parser
 AST Parser.getAST()
          Get the AST return value squirreled away in the parser
 AST BaseAST.getFirstChild()
          Get the first child of this node; null if not children
 AST BaseAST.getNextSibling()
          Get the next sibling in line after this one
 AST ASTNULLType.getFirstChild()
 AST ASTNULLType.getNextSibling()
 AST template)
          Find the next subtree with structure and token types equal to those of 'template'.
 AST ASTFactory.create()
          Create a new empty AST node; if the user did not specify an AST node type, then create a default one: CommonAST.
 AST ASTFactory.create(int type)
 AST ASTFactory.create(int type, java.lang.String txt)
 AST ASTFactory.create(AST tr)
          Create a new empty AST node; if the user did not specify an AST node type, then create a default one: CommonAST.
 AST ASTFactory.create(Token tok)
 AST ASTFactory.dup(AST t)
          Copy a single node.
 AST ASTFactory.dupList(AST t)
          Duplicate tree including siblings of root.
 AST ASTFactory.dupTree(AST t)
          Duplicate a tree, assuming this is a root node of a tree-- duplicate that node and what's below; ignore siblings of root node.
 AST ASTFactory.make(AST[] nodes)
          Make a tree from a list of nodes.
 AST ASTFactory.make(ASTArray nodes)
          Make a tree from a list of nodes, where the nodes are contained in an ASTArray object

Methods in antlr with parameters of type AST
protected  void TreeParser.match(AST t, int ttype)
 void TreeParser.match(AST t, BitSet b)
          Make sure current lookahead symbol matches the given set Throw an exception upon mismatch, which is catch by either the error handler or by the syntactic predicate.
protected  void TreeParser.matchNot(AST t, int ttype)
 void TreeParser.traceIn(java.lang.String rname, AST t)
 void TreeParser.traceOut(java.lang.String rname, AST t)
 void DumpASTVisitor.visit(AST node)
 void CommonAST.initialize(AST t)
 void BaseAST.addChild(AST node)
          Add a node to the end of the child list for this node
private  void BaseAST.doWorkForFindAll(Vector v, AST target, boolean partialMatch)
 boolean BaseAST.equals(AST t)
          Is node t equal to this in terms of token type and text?
 boolean BaseAST.equalsList(AST t)
          Is t an exact structural and equals() match of this tree.
 boolean BaseAST.equalsListPartial(AST sub)
          Is 'sub' a subtree of this list? The siblings of the root are NOT ignored.
 boolean BaseAST.equalsTree(AST t)
          Is tree rooted at 'this' equal to 't'? The siblings of 'this' are ignored.
 boolean BaseAST.equalsTreePartial(AST sub)
          Is 't' a subtree of the tree rooted at 'this'? The siblings of 'this' are ignored.
 ASTEnumeration BaseAST.findAll(AST target)
          Walk the tree looking for all exact subtree matches.
 ASTEnumeration BaseAST.findAllPartial(AST sub)
          Walk the tree looking for all subtrees.
abstract  void BaseAST.initialize(AST t)
 void BaseAST.setFirstChild(AST c)
 void BaseAST.setNextSibling(AST n)
 void ASTVisitor.visit(AST node)
 void ASTNULLType.addChild(AST c)
 boolean ASTNULLType.equals(AST t)
 boolean ASTNULLType.equalsList(AST t)
 boolean ASTNULLType.equalsListPartial(AST t)
 boolean ASTNULLType.equalsTree(AST t)
 boolean ASTNULLType.equalsTreePartial(AST t)
 ASTEnumeration ASTNULLType.findAll(AST tree)
 ASTEnumeration ASTNULLType.findAllPartial(AST subtree)
 void ASTNULLType.initialize(AST t)
 void ASTNULLType.setFirstChild(AST c)
 void ASTNULLType.setNextSibling(AST n)
 boolean ASTIterator.isSubtree(AST t, AST sub)
          Is 'sub' a subtree of 't' beginning at the root?
 boolean ASTIterator.isSubtree(AST t, AST sub)
          Is 'sub' a subtree of 't' beginning at the root?
 AST template)
          Find the next subtree with structure and token types equal to those of 'template'.
 void ASTFactory.addASTChild(ASTPair currentAST, AST child)
          Add a child to the current AST
 AST ASTFactory.create(AST tr)
          Create a new empty AST node; if the user did not specify an AST node type, then create a default one: CommonAST.
 AST ASTFactory.dup(AST t)
          Copy a single node.
 AST ASTFactory.dupList(AST t)
          Duplicate tree including siblings of root.
 AST ASTFactory.dupTree(AST t)
          Duplicate a tree, assuming this is a root node of a tree-- duplicate that node and what's below; ignore siblings of root node.
 AST ASTFactory.make(AST[] nodes)
          Make a tree from a list of nodes.
 void ASTFactory.makeASTRoot(ASTPair currentAST, AST root)
          Make an AST the root of current AST

Constructors in antlr with parameters of type AST
NoViableAltException(AST t)
MismatchedTokenException(java.lang.String[] tokenNames_, AST node, int lower, int upper_, boolean matchNot)
MismatchedTokenException(java.lang.String[] tokenNames_, AST node, int expecting_, boolean matchNot)
MismatchedTokenException(java.lang.String[] tokenNames_, AST node, BitSet set_, boolean matchNot)
ASTIterator(AST t)

Uses of AST in antlr.collections

Methods in antlr.collections that return AST
 AST ASTEnumeration.nextNode()
 AST AST.getFirstChild()
          Get the first child of this node; null if no children
 AST AST.getNextSibling()
          Get the next sibling in line after this one

Methods in antlr.collections with parameters of type AST
 void AST.addChild(AST c)
          Add a (rightmost) child to this node
 boolean AST.equals(AST t)
 boolean AST.equalsList(AST t)
 boolean AST.equalsListPartial(AST t)
 boolean AST.equalsTree(AST t)
 boolean AST.equalsTreePartial(AST t)
 ASTEnumeration AST.findAll(AST tree)
 ASTEnumeration AST.findAllPartial(AST subtree)
 void AST.initialize(AST t)
 void AST.setFirstChild(AST c)
          Set the first child of a node.
 void AST.setNextSibling(AST n)
          Set the next sibling after this one.

Uses of AST in antlr.collections.impl

Fields in antlr.collections.impl declared as AST
 AST[] ASTArray.array

Methods in antlr.collections.impl that return AST
 AST ASTEnumerator.nextNode()

Methods in antlr.collections.impl with parameters of type AST
 ASTArray ASTArray.add(AST node)

Uses of AST in antlr.debug.misc

Fields in antlr.debug.misc declared as AST
(package private)  AST JTreeASTModel.root

Constructors in antlr.debug.misc with parameters of type AST
JTreeASTModel(AST t)
ASTFrame(java.lang.String lab, AST r)