Uses of Class

Packages that use JavaBlockFinishingInfo

Uses of JavaBlockFinishingInfo in antlr

Methods in antlr that return JavaBlockFinishingInfo
 JavaBlockFinishingInfo SatherCodeGenerator.genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean noTestForSingle)
          Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the block.
 JavaBlockFinishingInfo JavaCodeGenerator.genCommonBlock(AlternativeBlock blk, boolean noTestForSingle)
          Generate common code for a block of alternatives; return a postscript that needs to be generated at the end of the block.

Methods in antlr with parameters of type JavaBlockFinishingInfo
private  void SatherCodeGenerator.genBlockFinish(JavaBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish, java.lang.String noViableAction)
          Generate the finish of a block, using a combination of the info returned from genCommonBlock() and the action to perform when no alts were taken
private  void JavaCodeGenerator.genBlockFinish(JavaBlockFinishingInfo howToFinish, java.lang.String noViableAction)
          Generate the finish of a block, using a combination of the info returned from genCommonBlock() and the action to perform when no alts were taken