Class ReflectManagerImpl


public class ReflectManagerImpl
extends ReflectManager

This is the implementation of: ReflectManager - a dynamically loaded extension that supports extended reflection features supported by JDK1.2 and greater. In particular it currently supports accessible method and field access supported by JDK1.2 and greater.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class bsh.ReflectManager
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean setAccessible(java.lang.Object obj)
          Set a java.lang.reflect Field, Method, Constructor, or Array of accessible objects to accessible mode.
Methods inherited from class bsh.ReflectManager
getReflectManager, RMSetAccessible
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ReflectManagerImpl()
Method Detail


public boolean setAccessible(java.lang.Object obj)
Set a java.lang.reflect Field, Method, Constructor, or Array of accessible objects to accessible mode. If the object is not an AccessibleObject then do nothing.

Specified by:
setAccessible in class ReflectManager
true if the object was accessible or false if it was not.