Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleNode

Uses of SimpleNode in bsh

Subclasses of SimpleNode in bsh
(package private)  class BSHAllocationExpression
          New object, new array, or inner class style allocation with body.
(package private)  class BSHAmbiguousName
(package private)  class BSHArguments
(package private)  class BSHArrayDimensions
          The name of this class is somewhat misleading.
(package private)  class BSHArrayInitializer
(package private)  class BSHAssignment
(package private)  class BSHBinaryExpression
          Implement binary expressions...
(package private)  class BSHBlock
(package private)  class BSHCastExpression
          Implement casts.
 class BSHFormalComment
(package private)  class BSHFormalParameter
          A formal parameter declaration.
(package private)  class BSHFormalParameters
          For loose type parameters the argTypes are null.
(package private)  class BSHForStatement
          Implementation of the for(;;) statement.
(package private)  class BSHIfStatement
(package private)  class BSHImportDeclaration
(package private)  class BSHLHSPrimaryExpression
(package private)  class BSHLHSPrimarySuffix
(package private)  class BSHLiteral
(package private)  class BSHMethodDeclaration
(package private)  class BSHMethodInvocation
(package private)  class BSHPrimaryExpression
(package private)  class BSHPrimarySuffix
(package private)  class BSHPrimitiveType
(package private)  class BSHReturnStatement
(package private)  class BSHReturnType
(package private)  class BSHStatementExpressionList
(package private)  class BSHSwitchLabel
(package private)  class BSHSwitchStatement
(package private)  class BSHTernaryExpression
          This class needs logic to prevent the right hand side of boolean logical expressions from being naively evaluated...
(package private)  class BSHThrowStatement
(package private)  class BSHTryStatement
(package private)  class BSHType
(package private)  class BSHTypedVariableDeclaration
(package private)  class BSHUnaryExpression
(package private)  class BSHVariableDeclarator
          name [ = initializer ] evaluate name and return optional initializer
(package private)  class BSHWhileStatement
          This class handles both while(){} statements and do{}while() statements.

Fields in bsh declared as SimpleNode
(package private)  SimpleNode NameSpace.callerInfoNode
(package private)  SimpleNode EvalError.node
          Note: we could make this a vector and hold the full stack trace of method invocations that lead to the exception...
private  SimpleNode BSHForStatement.forInit
private  SimpleNode BSHForStatement.expression
private  SimpleNode BSHForStatement.forUpdate
private  SimpleNode BSHForStatement.statement

Methods in bsh that return SimpleNode
 SimpleNode SimpleNode.getChild(int i)
 SimpleNode Parser.popNode()
(package private)  SimpleNode NameSpace.getNode()
(package private)  SimpleNode EvalError.getNode()
          The error has trace info associated with it.

Methods in bsh with parameters of type SimpleNode
 java.lang.Object This.invokeMethod(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object[] args, Interpreter interpreter, CallStack callstack, SimpleNode callerInfo)
          Invoke specified method with specified interpreter.
static java.lang.Object Reflect.invokeObjectMethod(Interpreter interpreter, java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args, SimpleNode callerInfo)
          Invoke method on object.
(package private)  void NameSpace.setNode(SimpleNode node)
          Set the node associated with the creation of this namespace.
 java.lang.Object NameSpace.invokeMethod(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] args, Interpreter interpreter, CallStack callstack, SimpleNode callerInfo)
          invoke a method in this namespace with the specified args, interpreter reference, and callstack This is a convenience for users outside of this package.
 java.lang.Object Name.invokeMethod(Interpreter interpreter, java.lang.Object[] args, CallStack callstack, SimpleNode callerInfo)
          Invoke the method identified by name.
 java.lang.Object Name.invokeLocalMethod(Interpreter interpreter, java.lang.Object[] args, CallStack callstack, SimpleNode callerInfo)
          Invoke a locally declared method or a bsh command.
 void EvalError.reThrow(SimpleNode node)
          Re-throw the eval error, specifying the node.
 void EvalError.reThrow(java.lang.String addMsg, SimpleNode addNode)
          Re-throw the eval error, prefixing msg to the message and specifying the node.
(package private)  void EvalError.setNode(SimpleNode node)
          Set the AST node for trace info.
protected  void EvalError.addNode(SimpleNode addNode)
(package private) static int BSHPrimarySuffix.getIndexAux(java.lang.Object obj, CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter, SimpleNode callerNode)
          Just factoring out some common code for the two suffix classes...
(package private)  java.lang.Object BshMethod.invokeDeclaredMethod(java.lang.Object[] argValues, Interpreter interpreter, CallStack callstack, SimpleNode callerInfo)
          Invoke the bsh method with the specified args, interpreter ref, and callstack.
static boolean BSHIfStatement.evaluateCondition(SimpleNode condExp, CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter)

Constructors in bsh with parameters of type SimpleNode
TargetError(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Throwable t, SimpleNode node, boolean inNativeCode)
TargetError(java.lang.Throwable t, SimpleNode node)
EvalError(java.lang.String s, SimpleNode node)