Uses of Class

Packages that use NameSpace

Uses of NameSpace in bsh

Subclasses of NameSpace in bsh
(package private)  class BlockNameSpace
          A specialized namespace for Blocks, e.g.

Fields in bsh declared as NameSpace
(package private)  NameSpace This.namespace
          The namespace that this This reference wraps.
static NameSpace NameSpace.JAVACODE
private  NameSpace NameSpace.parent
 NameSpace Name.namespace
(package private)  NameSpace LHS.nameSpace
(package private)  NameSpace Interpreter.globalNameSpace
(package private)  NameSpace BshMethod.declaringNameSpace

Methods in bsh that return NameSpace
 NameSpace This.getNameSpace()
 NameSpace NameSpace.getParent()
          Get the parent namespace.
 NameSpace NameSpace.getSuper()
 NameSpace NameSpace.getGlobal()
 NameSpace Interpreter.getNameSpace()
          Get the global namespace of this interpreter.
 NameSpace CallStack.get(int depth)
          zero based.
 NameSpace CallStack.pop()
 NameSpace CallStack.swap(NameSpace newTop)
          Swap in the value as the new top of the stack and return the old value.
 NameSpace[] CallStack.toArray()
 NameSpace BlockNameSpace.getSuper()
          super is our parent's super

Methods in bsh with parameters of type NameSpace
(package private) static This This.getThis(NameSpace namespace, Interpreter declaringInterpreter)
          getThis() is a factory for bsh.This type references.
static void This.bind(This ths, NameSpace namespace, Interpreter declaringInterpreter)
          Bind a This reference to a parent's namespace with the specified declaring interpreter.
 java.lang.Object SimpleNode.eval(NameSpace namespace)
          Some nodes require only a namespace for evaluation.
 void NameSpace.setParent(NameSpace parent)
(package private)  java.lang.Object Name.resolveThisFieldReference(CallStack callstack, NameSpace thisNamespace, Interpreter interpreter, java.lang.String varName, boolean specialFieldsVisible)
          Resolve a variable relative to a This reference.
 void Interpreter.setNameSpace(NameSpace globalNameSpace)
          Set the global namespace for this interpreter.
 java.lang.Object Interpreter.source(java.lang.String filename, NameSpace nameSpace)
          Read text from fileName and eval it.
 java.lang.Object Interpreter.eval( in, NameSpace nameSpace, java.lang.String sourceFileInfo)
          Spawn a non-interactive local interpreter to evaluate text in the specified namespace.
 java.lang.Object Interpreter.eval(java.lang.String statement, NameSpace nameSpace)
          Evaluate the string in the specified namespace.
 void CallStack.push(NameSpace ns)
 void CallStack.set(int depth, NameSpace ns)
          This is kind of crazy, but used by the setNameSpace command.
 NameSpace CallStack.swap(NameSpace newTop)
          Swap in the value as the new top of the stack and return the old value.
 java.lang.Class BSHType.getType(NameSpace namespace)
          Returns a class for the type
 java.lang.Object BSHReturnType.getReturnType(NameSpace namespace)
 java.lang.Object BSHMethodDeclaration.eval(NameSpace namespace)
          Evaluate the declaration of the method.
 java.lang.Object BSHFormalParameters.eval(NameSpace namespace)
          Evaluate the types.
 java.lang.Object BSHFormalParameter.eval(NameSpace namespace)
          Evaluate the type.
 Name BSHAmbiguousName.getName(NameSpace namespace)
 java.lang.Class BSHAmbiguousName.toClass(NameSpace namespace)

Constructors in bsh with parameters of type NameSpace
XThis(NameSpace namespace, Interpreter declaringInterp)
This(NameSpace namespace, Interpreter declaringInterpreter)
NameSpace(NameSpace parent, java.lang.String name)
Name(NameSpace namespace, java.lang.String s)
          This constructor should *not* be used in general.
LHS(NameSpace nameSpace, java.lang.String varName)
JThis(NameSpace namespace, Interpreter declaringInterp)
Interpreter( in, out, err, boolean interactive, NameSpace namespace, Interpreter parent, java.lang.String sourceFileInfo)
          The main constructor.
Interpreter( in, out, err, boolean interactive, NameSpace namespace)
Interpreter(ConsoleInterface console, NameSpace globalNameSpace)
          Construct a new interactive interpreter attached to the specified console using the specified parent namespace.
BshMethod(BSHMethodDeclaration method, NameSpace declaringNameSpace)
BlockNameSpace(NameSpace parent)

Uses of NameSpace in bsh.commands

Methods in bsh.commands with parameters of type NameSpace
static void dir.invoke(Interpreter env, NameSpace namespace)
static void dir.invoke(Interpreter env, NameSpace namespace, java.lang.String dir)

Uses of NameSpace in bsh.util

Fields in bsh.util declared as NameSpace
(package private)  NameSpace SessiondConnection.globalNameSpace
(package private)  NameSpace Sessiond.globalNameSpace

Constructors in bsh.util with parameters of type NameSpace
SessiondConnection(NameSpace globalNameSpace, client)
Sessiond(NameSpace globalNameSpace, int port)