Uses of Class

Packages that use Grammar

Uses of Grammar in antlr.preprocessor

Fields in antlr.preprocessor declared as Grammar
protected  Grammar Rule.enclosingGrammar
protected  Grammar Option.enclosingGrammar
protected static Grammar Hierarchy.LexerRoot
protected static Grammar Hierarchy.ParserRoot
protected static Grammar Hierarchy.TreeParserRoot

Methods in antlr.preprocessor that return Grammar
 Grammar Preprocessor.class_def(java.lang.String file, Hierarchy hier)
 Grammar Option.getEnclosingGrammar()
 Grammar Hierarchy.findRoot(Grammar g)
 Grammar Hierarchy.getGrammar(java.lang.String gr)
 Grammar Grammar.getSuperGrammar()

Methods in antlr.preprocessor with parameters of type Grammar
 void Rule.setEnclosingGrammar(Grammar g)
 IndexedVector Preprocessor.optionSpec(Grammar gr)
 void Preprocessor.rule(Grammar gr)
 void Option.setEnclosingGrammar(Grammar g)
 void Hierarchy.addGrammar(Grammar gr)
 Grammar Hierarchy.findRoot(Grammar g)
 void GrammarFile.addGrammar(Grammar g)
 void Grammar.inherit(Option o, Grammar superG)
 void Grammar.inherit(Rule r, Grammar superG)
 void Grammar.inherit(java.lang.String memberAction, Grammar superG)

Constructors in antlr.preprocessor with parameters of type Grammar
Rule(java.lang.String n, java.lang.String b, IndexedVector options, Grammar gr)
Option(java.lang.String n, java.lang.String rhs, Grammar gr)