Runtime Java Class Editor
Source & Binaries
Documents & Design
RJCE UML diagrams
RJCE Javadoc
Basic Instructions
Basic installation and usage instructions, more to follow...
User Manual
RJCE user manual, (under construction)
Design Report
Full report detailing all design decisions and implementation - large document - save to disk using the right mouse button to allow document to be browsed more freely.
Bugs & Support
Sites Used Developing RJCE
ANTLR (Another Tool for Language Recognition)
A parser generator that can build LL(k) parsers implemented in Java and C++.
JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler)
A Java parser generator written in Java first developed at Sun Microsystems.
Open Source JavaScript interpreter written entirely in Java. Based at mozilla.org
BeanShell - Lightweight Scripting for Java
Small, free, embeddable, source level Java interpreter with object based scripting language features, written in Java.
Java source interpreter - executes Java statements instantly, without having to compile them, and is less strict than ordinary Java. Written in pure Java and distributed with source code.
Rhino - JavaScript for Java
Open Source JavaScript interpreter written entirely in Java. Based at mozilla.org.
Apache Ant
An excellent and widely used Java-based build tool.
A Java native comiler that will generate executables, avoiding the need for a JVM
A simple framework to write repeatable tests.
AspectJ is an aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language created at Xerox PARC. AspectJ has become the widely-used de-facto standard for AOP by emphasizing simplicity and usability for end users.
An open extensible IDE for anything (including Java) and nothing in particular.
Useful Programming Notes
These notes are written by the site author and should provide a useful source of reference, I particularly recommend the Java and C++ notes, enjoy...
Java Summary & Tips
Complete summary of core Java language. This includes all core language features. These notes cover the entire sylibus for the Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4 and are a good source of information to study for this exam. I personally wrote these notes and pasted this exam with a high mark using these notes.
Complete C++ Summary & Tips
Summary of C++. This includes imperative, object-oriented & some STL
Unified Modelling Language (UML)
UML Summary, very short but sweat
Networks & Security Summary
Summary of Networks & Security. Good complete summary of networks, and some security
Summary of Databases. Includes Algebra, Calculus, SQL, Normal Forms, ACID, etc